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Haoliang Sun






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Education & Academic Experience



Shenzheng, China, Peng Cheng Laboratory (PCL), Brainlike neural computing system based on photoelectric memristor.


Assistant Engineer

Shanghai, China, Shanghai National Broadband Engineering Technology Research Center, Artificial intelligence and big data.



Shanghai, China, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Two-dimensional materials and their semiconductor devices.



Wuhan, China, Wuhan University, Physics major.


[1]Sun, Haoliang,Zhang, Huan,Jing, Xinxin, et al.One-step synthesis of centimeter-size alpha-MoO_3 with single crystallinity[J].Applied Surface Science,2019,476(May 15):789-795.
[2]Sun, Haoliang,Liang, Zhaofeng,Shen, Kongchao, et al.Fabrication of NiSe2 by direct selenylation of a nickel surface[J].Applied Surface Science,2018,428(Jan.15):623-629.

[3]Sun, Haoliang,Liang, Zhaofeng,Shen, Kongchao, et al.Photoelectron spectroscopy study of the electronic structures at CoPc/Bi(111) interface[J].Surface Science,2017,661(Jul.):34-41.[J]. Surface Science: 2017, 661:34-41.
[4]Zhang H, Sun H, Shen K, et al. Recent Progress with In Situ Characterization of Interfacial Structures under a Solid–Gas Atmosphere by HP-STM and AP-XPS. Materials 2019;12.

[5]Z.F. Liang, H.L. Sun, et al. Unveiling orbital coupling at the CoPc/Bi(111) surface by ab initio calculations and photoemission spectroscopy[J], Rsc Advances, 2017, 7(82):52143-52150.

[6]K.C. Shen, H.L. Sun, et al. Fabricating Quasi-Free-Standing Graphene on a SiC(0001) Surface by Steerable Intercalation of Iron[J], Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122:21484-21492.

[7]K. Shen, H.L. Sun, et al. Fabrication and Characterization of Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Devices with External Doping, in: A. Kar (Ed.) Nanoelectronics and Materials Development, InTech, Rijeka, 2016, pp. Ch. 06.

[8]Yang Y, Sun H L, Zhu B P, et al. Enhanced dielectric performance of three phase percolative composites based on thermoplastic-ceramic composites and surface modified carbon nanotube[J]. Applied Physics Letters: 2015, 106(1):5.

[9]Yang Y, Sun H L, Yin D, et al. High performance of polyimide/CaCu3Ti4O12@Ag hybrid films with enhanced dielectric permittivity and low dielectric loss[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A: 2015, 3(9):4916-4921.

[10]K. Shen, J. Hu, H. Sun, Z. Liang, G. Ji, H. Li, Z. Jiang, F. Song, Morphology and structure improvement of the hybrid CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite film via external doping[J], Thin Solid Films, 2017 636:296-301.

[11]Wang, Y.; Feng, S.L.; Shen, K.C.; Sun, H.L.; Yang, Y.G.; Ji, G.W.; Li, J.; Jiang, Z.; Song, F. Manifestation of the structural stability of Mg-doped Zn4Sb3 via atomic fine structure investigation. Solid State Communications. 2017;261:26-31.



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